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  1. Snowblind

    This collaborative poem was written for the CAVE at Brown University and is a relatively simple yet compelling argument for this kind of writing, initiated by Robert Coover in 2002. Other CAVE works reviewed in this blog have published video documentation of a performance, which is a far cry from the real deal, but considering it takes time and money to travel to Brown University to use their CAVE (and a prohibitive amount of money to build one), this will do. Soderman and Carter have gone a step further by providing access to the Cave Text Editor and the source files for readers to explore the work and run a preview of it.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 13:23

  2. Toward a Circulation of the Page

    This kinetic collage poem is built out of text by Soderman and quotes from eight pieces written by theorists and writers whose work reflects upon the nature of writing in spaces other than the printed page. Cut into lines and blocks of text, each of these textual portions are anchored or set adrift in a “page_space” designed by Soderman to allow them to move and rearrange themselves into new textual combinations. In addition to encouraging readers to click on texts to get other quotes from the same source, Soderman places several objects into the space that trigger different events, such as a book that stops the textual movement when clicked. The behaviors triggered by each of the objects remind the readers of how configurable the space for digital writing can be by enacting some of the concepts brought forth by the quoted writers. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 13:34

  3. Dibagan

    In this collaborative poem Geniwate takes a relatively simple interface and page space designed by Stefans and makes it powerfully political. The audio recording of a reporter telling the story of surviving an RPG attack in Iraq, along with a photograph with a large drop of blood on the lens, make for a chilling backdrop for the poem. With this frame of reference set, the poem is presented as a stack of words at the base of five columns, which the reader can position by placing the mouse on the base of a column until it reaches the desired height on the screen. It takes some time to place and read the words on each column (which are readable both vertically and horizontally), which allows the looping audio clip and changing hues on the image clip to sink in for a visceral experience.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 14:04

  4. Taroko Gary

    Another take on Taroko Gorge by Nick Montfort. Leonardo Flores uses some of Gary Snyder's words from "Endless Streams and Mountains".

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 19:24

  5. The murmur of i n t e r s t i c e s

    This is a collaboration across centuries between the 13th century Persian mystic and poet known as Rumi, whose silky lines of poetry appear beneath Zahra Safavian’s 3 by 3 grid of tiles with short looping videos and words— an interface for meditation on this poem’s idea. Rumi is credited with inventing the meditative poetic practice of “the turn” by dancing to the rhythm of the hammering of the goldsmiths. Rumi’s poems are usually organized into couplets, not necessarily rhyming, clustered into variable stanzas, and tend to establish a conversation between self and other, self and the world. Each tile can be clicked to reveal another word and video, representing perhaps some of the dualities expressed in the concept of the “turn,” though we are not dealing with binary opposites— the associations are more diverse than that. The three lines that appear after interacting with the short videos on the grid reinforce that idea, separating awareness of the head and the feet, each turning on its own, uncaring what the other does, as with a baby nursing.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 20:28

  6. parlør

    "Til hvert ord leverer bidragyderne en "ordforklaring" i en blanding af tekst, billede, lyd, video, animation og interaktivitet. (...) Sprogkurset strækker sig indholdsmæssigt fra det dybsindige til det revyagtige. (...) Det er er vores håb, at Afsnit Ps nye Parlør kan medvirke til at nuancere den efter vores opfattelse noget monotone kulturelle hjemlige debat, som virker fastlåst i en mediebestemt og merkantil diskurs, og levere et reelt og intelligent modspil til den udbredte forskrækkelse over for det poetiske, kunstneriske og intellektuelle udtryk, for ikke at sige over for alt ukendt og anderledes." -Afsnit P beskrivelse.

    Sissel Hegvik - 07.03.2013 - 16:02

  7. det sublime

    A Young-Hae Chang-inspired piece on football, also challenging Kants concept on the sublime

    Sissel Hegvik - 02.04.2013 - 20:55

  8. TILT

    TILT is database movie inspired by the pinball game in Robert Coover’s famous short story, The Babysitter. An abstraction of the traditional arcade game, TILT uses the random kinetics of a ball in a bounded area to organize its narrative, which is spatial rather than temporal.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 11:55

  9. Dans la gueule du loup

    This responsive (or “reactive” work as described in Megan Sapnar’s essay “Reactive Media Meets E-Poetry”) is a great example of a work that reacts to user input, though I’m not sure there’s enough of a language base to connect it to poetic tradition. Translated as “In the lion’s mouth” (though I feel “In the wolf’s mouth” is more accurate) this feels more like a visual art piece than a poem and I suspect Clauss would agree, since he describes his works in Flying Puppet as “tableaux interactifs” (interactive tableau). Regardless of classification, this is an engagingly atmospheric piece that invites interaction with a surreal payoff. Move the pointer and play with this work to discover what lies above and beneath the image and interface, considering all the layers involved. And don’t forget that you are one of those layers… (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.04.2013 - 17:17

  10. Welcome to Pine Point

    his award-winning Web documentary about a short-lived mining town in Canada made the 2011 New Media Writing Award shortlist. A masterful, lovingly produced piece is challenging to categorize in terms of genre: is it a video (its interactivity and born-digital ontology make it difficult to label as “film”), memoir, narrative, poem, or an artistic website? As a multimedia work (using audio, video, text, images) that requires multimodal engagement (reading, listening, viewing, interaction) from its audience, it is fittingly multi-generic. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.04.2013 - 18:55
