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  1. Death of an Alchemist

    Death Of An Alchemist is a multimedia novel written by Big Data—a detective story generated in real-time from live online content. The installation consists of an 8m wall displaying 128 pages of projected text, symbols and charts. This content is generated by scraping Twitter, Google and social platforms for today’s headlines, social media conversations, memes and more. The text flickers and updates as new data is received, yet still creates a coherent narrative that can be read from beginning to end. This is thanks to a bespoke technique we have termed the “poetics of search”: using a combination of search operators and algorithms to mine data, then string manipulation to fit it cohesively into a new plot. In the story, readers investigate the death of 16th century alchemist Trithemius. He has left behind a supposedly magical book, Steganographia, said to reveal the “clavis magna”: the idea from which all knowledge flows. Readers must decode the book to find the clues to Trithemius’ murder.

    Hannah Ackermans - 10.09.2015 - 10:16

  2. Machines of Disquiet

    Machines of Disquiet (iPad App) has been developed in the context of an ongoing research project at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and its goal is to create a Digital Archive of the Book of Disquiet [Livro do Desassossego – LdoD], an unfinished work written by Fernando Pessoa between 1913 and 1935. Machines of Disquiet is the name chosen for a number of experimental applications for mobile devices (iOS and Android) that aim to provide reading and aesthetical experiences based on the text of the Book of Disquiet. Every application is an attempt to find a new setting for experiencing the LdoD as sensitive matter (i.e. matter experienced in different modalities – text, drawing, sound, image, motion) and explores the expressive potential of these types of devices, particularly in terms of interface (e.g. multi-touch interactions and motion sensors). (Source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:15

  3. The Archetypture of Magical Reality

    It is a creative book app composed of words, images, and animations that—in addition to some ambitious poetic prose—offer a great reading adventure that can be controlled by the “rolling of the dice”. (source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:51

  4. Vital

    Vital to the General Public Welfare was a solo exhibition (Edward Day Gallery, Toronto, 2012) revolving around themes of language, authenticity and contingency filtered through the lens of my experience as an adopted-out Cherokee person. I have recently turned the interactive touchwork poems in Vital, a 30-minute performance using the Poetry for Excitable [Mobile] Media (P.o.E.M.M.) mobile app as the main performance tool.

    The title of the show came from documents filed in a 1964 Louisiana court case seeking to ascertain an adopted child’s racial classification. The judge claimed that the proper identification of the child’s race was “vital to the general public welfare”; in other words, whichever way the child was classified, a wrong classification would endanger the fundamental fabric of White culture. The now-hyberbolic seeming claim strikes me as a powerful metaphor for any conversations we have not only about racial classification but also about any number of other issues that some group or another feels is central to their definition of a well-functioning society.

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.10.2015 - 12:20

  5. Touch and Decay: Tomasula's TOC on iOS

    TOC's promotional tease – “You’ve never experienced a novel like this” – became awkwardly literalized when, after a Mac OS update, I could no longer open the novel. The tease inadvertently highlights the obsolescence that locks away so many works of electronic literature from present day readers. Even an exceptional work like TOC – exhibited internationally, prize-winning, the subject of many scholarly articles, underwritten by a university press – is no less subject to the cycles of novelty and obsolescence that render many works of electronic literature only slightly more enduring than a hummingbird. “The accelerating pace of technological change,” N. Katherine Hayles observes, “may indicate that traditional criteria of literary excellence are very much tied to the print medium as a mature technology that produces objects with a large degree of concretization”.

    Hannah Ackermans - 10.11.2015 - 09:57

  6. Jason Nelson Digital Magic Show and Poetic Interfaces

    It is overly simplistic to state that my digital poems come entirely from building/discovering interfaces. Any artist’s creative practice is a merging/melding mix of fluid events and inspirations. But with all my digital poems there is one commonality, the emphasis on interface. Rarely do I even reuse interfaces, and when I do it is only as one section of a larger work. This continual drive to create new ways to rethink the structure, organization and interactive functionality of my digital poems comes from a variety of internal influences. Most importantly is how these interfaces are not just vessels for content, they are poems in themselves. In the same way digital poetry might be best defined by the experience, rather than a description. Or similar to a digital poet and their works being described by the events and stories surrounding the creation and building process, an interface is the life, the body, and a poetic construction in itself. And through the artist performance I will explore/perform numerous of my interfaces, discussing/reading from them, eluding to how they were made, their inspirations and my thoughts on how they could be reused by other poets.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 08:35

  7. Time Jitters

    Time Jitters, 2014 begins with images collected in Without A Trace and uses them as the foundation for a series of animations. It has been presented as single channel projection, as part of an installation and is also an iOS app.

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.06.2016 - 16:58

  8. News Wheel

    News Wheel, 2016 is an iOS app that explores the poetics of ever changing news headlines. It begins as a static disk divided into nine sections each representing a different news source. Tapping anywhere on the screen causes the wheel to spin. Another tap stops the wheel and suddenly a headline in one of nine pre-selected colors appears on the screen. This playful interface invites users to start and stop the wheel eventually filling the screen with a collage of current headlines. Individual words can be deleted and repositioned so users can create their own poems from this content. In addition, dragging one's finger across the screen creates an animated chain of fragmented and poetic text derived from today's headline news. News Wheel is a creative and poetic way to view, juxtapose and interpret world events. (Source:

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.06.2016 - 17:03

  9. Icarus Needs

    Daniel Merlin Goodbrey’s Icarus Needs is part of a series of works in which Goodbrey draws on the dual aesthetics of comics and classic video games. Built in Flash, the piece is strongly visual and provides a world of panels to explore. The player moves Icarus through the panels using standard keyboard controls, encountering dream-like objects (such as an oversized telephone) and hitting many dead ends and simple item-based puzzles that block progression out of the dream. The game as dream metaphor is explored fully (as one fragment of text warns, “Don’t fall asleep playing video games”) and creates a compelling world of flat 2D visuals in different monochromatic palettes. Icarus Needs is a hypercomic adventure game staring everyone's favourite mentally unhinged cartoonist, Icarus Creeps. (Source: ELC 3)

    The goal of the game is to find his girlfriend, save her and escape the game. He need's to complete different tasks to do so. The tasks are puzzles that Icarus needs to solve, and when a mission is given is either by Icarus himself or another character. He communicates trough talking bubbles. 

    Eirik Tveit - 06.09.2016 - 18:07

  10. Sherwood Rise - the Augmented Book

    Sherwood Rise is the world's first augmented novel. It's an Augmented Reality (AR) transmedia interactive graphic novel/ game, told over 4 days through a range of media and formats: printed newspapers, AR on mobile phones, emails, hacker websites, blogs, sound, music, graphic novels and illustrations.

    Inspired by the current financial crisis, and the Occupy movement, the story is based on the traditional Robin Hood tale. The traditional tale of peasant revolt and dissent is brought up to date, and adapted for AR and transmedia. In our adaptation, austerity is imposed on the poor by a privileged elite, but resisted by a gang of hacker outlaw terrorists called the 'Merry Men'.

    Each day you receive a newspaper (via email) which you interact with via AR. Your interaction (how much you support the establishment or the Merry Men) updates a database, which then determines the version of newspaper you receive the next day. My intention was to make a physical book interactive, and in this way explore the future of the book.

    The project explores the future of the book and transmedia storytelling:

    Dave Miller - 07.09.2016 - 17:05
