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  1. Poesia luso-brasileira contemporânea: do verbo ao pixel

    This article intends to reflect upon the place of poetry in the teaching of literature and the formation of the reader, considering the recurrent metaphors and images in the interfaces of the
    discourse of the hypermedia, among the languages provided by the Technology of Information and Communication (TIC) in contemporary society. It aims to demonstrate the possible experiences of reading and aesthetic appreciation which offers to the user/reader for the exercise of creativity and autonomy in the construction of collective intelligence. In order to do so, it focuses on the production of the Luso-Brazilian literature in hypermedia with emphasis on the remarkable presence of the Portuguese experimental poetry in the construction of digital poetry and the Brazilian cyberliterature in present time.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Rui Torres - 04.12.2011 - 17:52

  2. Reading Digital Literature: A Subject Between Media and Methods

    Simanowksi's overview essay describes the agenda of part one, "Reading Digital Liteature" of the Reading Moving Letters collection: to gather semiotic readings of digital literature that provide future readers of these varied aesthetic forms with sophisticated theoretical and methodological tools for intepretation. While doing so, it provides short glosses of key concerns addressed in the essays from this section. One overarching concern is how to strike the correct critical balance when reading literary works in which natural language is often subsumed by other semiotic flows: how can the critical reader address medial specificity without sacrificing an interest in a work's linguistic properties, which, traditionally, have been at the forefront of literary study? Like much of Simanowksi's critical writing on digital literature, the essay aims to enable scholars and critics to produce meaningful, analytic interpretations of works of digital literature, rather than simply empirical descriptions of their functional interactions.


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.12.2011 - 10:30

  3. 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein

    Hayles' curators note for David Clark's work contrasts 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (2008) with Michael Joyce's Twelve Blue (1996) to suggest that in Web environments long narrative fictions are becoming assemblages, comprised of smaller prose passages, to be sampled rather than read, and "absorbed" as a coherent whole.

    Presented as part of the Digital Literature week (February 6-10, 2012) at In Media Res, organized by Eric LeMay.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.02.2012 - 18:47

  4. New Media Writing Forum

    A UK-based bulletin board designed to serve as a "hub for digital writers to share ideas, resources, and discussion."

    Established by Dreaming Methods in association with Bournemouth University, the New Media Writing Prize and Crissxross (award-winning digital writer Christine Wilks), the forum encourages the sharing of ideas, techniques and resources as well as general networking and discussion.

    (Source: New Media Writing Forum)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 04.04.2012 - 10:25

  5. Digital Litteratur: En innføring

    De siste tiårene har det oppstått en ny type litterære tekster, skrevet for skjerm og ikke papir. Ved siden av skrift tar tekstene i bruk modaliteter som bilder, verbalspråk, lyd, musikk og bevegelse, og de involverer leseren og kanskje også datamaskinen i tekstskapingen gjennom organiseringsprinsipper som hypertekst og kybertekst. Boka gir en oversikt over digital litteratur med vekt på skandinaviske eksempler, og diskuterer hvordan den digitale litteraturen gir et bilde av vår tid og utfordrer vårt litteraturbegrep.

    Noen spørsmål i boka:

    • Hva skjer når litterære tekster må leses på en skjerm?
    • Kan litteratur generert av en datamaskin være kunst?
    • Hvordan kan sosiale medier legge til rette for litteratur?

    Digital litteratur er aktuell for alle som arbeider med eller studerer litteratur og formidling av litteratur, for eksempel studenter og lærere i ulike litteratur- og mediefag.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.04.2012 - 14:14

  6. Digital Literature: Theoretical and Aesthetic Reflections

    The emergence of a new phenomenon – digital literature – within the field of
    literary studies calls for the reorganization and creation of new theoretical and
    analytical repertoires. As models of communication change, so do
    reception and production processes accompanying these changes. Within these
    altered scenarios, the dissertation Digital Literature: Theoretical and Aesthetic
    Reflections is a response to the aesthetic and theoretical challenges brought on by
    computer-based literature. As a methodological strategy, the dissertation articulates
    recent trends in the theory of digital aesthetics – remediation (BOLTER),
    eventilization (HAYLES), correlations of performativity, intermediality and
    interactivity with meaning-driven analysis (SIMANOWSKI), Medienumbrüche
    (GENDOLLA & SCHÄFER) – with theories of production of presence
    (GUMBRECHT), autopoietic communicative models (LUHMANN) and closereadings
    of digital works. By scripting a dialogue with key theorists from print
    literary theory as well as new media theorists and artists in the burgeoning field,

    Luciana Gattass - 08.05.2012 - 14:38

  7. Entre Ville: this city between us redux

    Hypermedia essay about Entre Ville, a work of digital literature created by J. R. Carpenter, commissioned, in 2006, by OBORO, a Gallery & New Media Lab in Montreal, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Conseil des arts de Montreal.

    J. R. Carpenter - 09.05.2012 - 13:34

  8. ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature

    The ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature is an output from the ELMCIP researchers based at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (Blekinge Institute of Technology) in Sweden. The anthology is intended to provide educators, students and the general public with a free curricular resource of electronic literary works produced in Europe. The works were selected, after an open call, based on four main criteria:

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 16.05.2012 - 11:06

  9. Writing the Web with RiTa and Javascript

    This workshop presented a hands-on introduction to the RiTa.js toolkit
    It is a toolkit for digital literature designed to work natively
    in web browsers.

    RiTa.js is an easy-to-use natural language library that provides simple
    procedural tools for experimenting with digital literature. The philosophy behind
    the toolkit is to be as simple and intuitive as possible, while still providing
    adequate flexibility for more advanced users. RiTa.js is written in 100%
    JavaScript and runs natively in popular web browsers. It is both free and opensource.

    (Source: Author's abstract, 2012 ELO Conference site)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.06.2012 - 14:32

  10. Beyond Literary?

    Beyond Literary?

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.06.2012 - 12:15
