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  1. The Last Novel

    The Last Novel

    Ana Castello - 17.10.2017 - 14:56

  2. Digital Revision

    In this analytical, unabashedly philosophical engagement with Alex Galloway’s “sneakily-titled” Laruelle Against the Digital, Martin Eve sides with the skeptics for whom “Laruelle proves a better diagnostician of epistemic illness than he is prescriber of a cure.”

    Source: Abstract

    Ana Castello - 17.10.2017 - 15:03

  3. Literatura chilena en digital: Mapas, estéticas y conceptualizaciones

    En el presente artículo se busca analizar una experiencia estética vinculada a lo digital, que tiene como principales componentes la posibilidad de interactuar, participar y manipular las obras creadas en este formato. Con tal fin, se presentará un mapa de la literatura digital en Chile, para luego profundizar en el análisis de dos aspectos que permiten caracterizar una estética de lo digital: la hipertextualidad y el hackeo cultural. A partir de estos elementos y tomando en cuenta que la literatura digital es aquella creada para ser leída en la pantalla de un dispositivo electrónico, se analizan el poema A veces cubierto por las aguas de Carlos Cociña y el poemario Clickable poem@s de Luis Correa-Díaz. Estas obras nos permiten preguntarnos por el estatus de la literatura y la poesía en la era digital, vinculadas a una experiencia estética que pone énfasis en la intervención y el deseo de participación.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.01.2018 - 06:17

  4. Algorithmic Translations

    Algorithmic Translations

    John Cayley - 17.03.2018 - 20:52

  5. Platforms over time

    An overview of the use of platform in creative works in Elmcip.

    Magnus Knustad - 20.03.2018 - 11:10

  6. The use of platforms in Nordic creative works of Electronic Literature

    This project aims to investigate Nordic creative works in the ELMCIP Knowledge Base and see which platforms the Nordic works have been created for. Several differences between Nordic creative works were observed, and it was found that some languages were over-represented in the database, while others were under-represented. The most popular language was Norwegian (Bokmål), while Finnish and Swedish were under-represented. 

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Magnus Knustad - 20.03.2018 - 11:21

  7. Nick Montfort’s World Clock and its Polish translation Zegar światowy – a case study

    The poster is a visual presentation of the experiment that was the translation from English into Polish of the Nick Montfort computer generated novel World Clock (2013) and its subsequent publication and distribution in print in Poland (Zegar światowy, 2014). The poster is composed of two distinct parts. The first part is devoted to the in-depth description of the problem of translating a generator, focusing on the challenges connected with the language transfer of programmed narrative work, as well as chosen issues connected with the publication process. The second part covers what occurred after the publication of the book and presents the conclusions of the analysis of the reception of the work.Zegar światowy was the first computer generated novel published as a book in Poland, thus it gained interest of some media and critics, who usually do not discuss experimental works.

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 10:56

  8. ZX Spectrum scene poetry

    For the month of August, the Media Archaeology Lab has been honored indeed to host Professor Piotr Marecki (from the the Institute of Culture at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and lecturer at the Film School in Łódź, Poland) and Yerzmyey, a lo-fi artist, demoscener, musician, graphic artist, photographer, and writer also from Krakow, Poland.

    To celebrate their visit, they will present a 90-minute demoshow of their work in the MAL on original ZX Spectrum Machines as well as local clones such as Timex, Speccy 2010, Zx-Uno, and the ZX Vega console.

    More information below – again, please come and/or spread the word!

    When: 4:30pm Thursday August 18th
    Where: Media Archaeology Lab, 1320 Grandview Avenue, lower level
    What: ZX Spectrum Scene Poetry Collection

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 11:20

  9. Air-B-N-Me: Self Representation in the Digital Age

    Air-B-N-Me: Self Representation in the Digital Age

    Davin Heckman - 27.04.2018 - 14:41

  10. Electronic literature production – a case study of Korporacja Ha!art (poster)

    It is often said that the field of electronic literature is “author driven”. Many established e-literary artists produce their work on their own, publishing it on their personal website, promoting and often even writing interpretations themselves. This however is not the only model present in the global field of digital born literature. The poster is devoted to the Polish institution Korporacja Ha!art and the model of production of e-literature in Poland. The institution is an NGO that runs a professional publishing house, which has published over 500 traditional books, ebooks and audiobooks. It also runs a sort of laboratory for the production of digital born literature by the leading artists in the field in its area of the world. The producer activities of the institution also involve the publication of translations of classic first generation hypertexts (on CDs, which were distributed conventionally through bookstores) and second generation work accessible online.

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 17:10
