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  1. Dressage #7

    Claude Maillard and Tibor Papp’s “Dressage no. 7” is glaring example of anthropophagic inflection in early digital poetry. The authors, continuing to use the same language and themes established in previous editions of Alire, cast familiar words and phrases amidst a wider span of new visual contexts. Alternating graphical pages, verbal pages, and pages that incorporate both propel the narrative. Works in Maillard and Papp’s “Dressage” series address the diminishing status of civil liberties in general, inscribing their views in a new media format that revives the aesthetics of an earlier era with new purpose.

    (Source: Chris Funkhouser "Le(s) Mange Texte(s): Creative Cannibalism and Digital Poetry")

    Scott Rettberg - 31.01.2013 - 19:33

  2. Love is in the air (first performance)

    The idea is to create a structure online, where authors, but also soundengineers, videoartists and graphicaldesigners kan make contributions to the same history-universe, with special emphazies on the litetterary. The history should not be understood in a lineary sense, but rather as an experience of a story where each piece ( picture, sound) could be experienced unchronologically. The way [the author does] this is by creating a text-concept that can be visualized in a graphical form. The authors have to pertain to this form and place their text in a visual room. Their text will then become apparent as a visual grapical element in relations to the other elements. The reason [the author] calls it a "performance" is because the creation of this little universe is being controlled by [the author] and will transpire over several days. Contributers are placed in several countries and everything will be run online, by email and ICQ. And probably a phonecall or two.

    Source: author's description


    Dan Kvilhaug - 19.02.2013 - 21:17

  3. Feed

    Our deeply ingrained need to trust language enables Feed to generate an endless simulacrum of social commentary cum mythopoeic narrative spontaneously from largely random associations of charged words. It presents cultural observation through the blind eye of chance. The blank passing moment becomes the creator of mythos. It allows us the opportunity to turn ambiguity into poetry, absurdity into satire, unexpected fortuitous alignments into insight. Feed chronicles the mechanisms of the chronicle rather than its subjects. It removes “realism” from the equation, flirting with the meaningless and parading arbitrary associations before the reader under the banners of archetype and metaphor. Feed historicizes, editorializes, moralizes, sings, dances, and wears funny hats, all in the name of “analyzing” its own inventions.

    (Source: Author's description for ELO_AI Conference)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 11:04

  4. Grande Enquête

    This webpage has been realised for the festival e-poetry 2007 in collaboration with Delphine Riss. During the festival, the participants were invited to vote at the following question:

    Selon vous, les travaux présentés lors du festival e-poetry 2007 (performances, installations, oeuvres) sont ils des oeuvres de poésie numérique?

    According to you, are the works presented at the e-poetry 2007 festival (performances, installations, piece of works) digital art works of poetry?

    Participants were also invited to add precisions in creating their own buttons where their comments were written on them. Other users could then add weights to these buttons by clicking on them.

    The goal of this project was to materialise the difficulty of defining what is digital art poetry and how it is received. While presenting the problem of the definition, the task was too not be closed up in only one: The different requests, potentially infinite, allowed to visualise a state of the reception of the digital poetry, skewed by our intervention.


    Marthin Frugaard - 11.04.2013 - 11:23

  5. Figure 5 Media Series

    The e-poem, video, and painting in this study were inspired by William Carlos Williams’ celebrated poem “The Great Figure.” It is fascinating to see how each artist (including Williams) used the materials of his/her medium to capture a vivid moment of human experience.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.04.2013 - 16:35


    written in java this applet gets a lot of rss feeds (in the french zone) in real time and composes, in real time also and as a work in progress, with them visual poems; each of the results are exported to my local computer in order to finally get, at the end of the 2013 year, some kind of archive of the "news" by which we are invaded each day---- and that we very often forget the day after! - it 's a kind of work about our "media-collective-memory". The words are treated in relationship with frequency in the news: the biggest are the most frequents. But not allways the most importants...

    Philippe Castellin - 25.06.2013 - 16:50

  7. Cidade City Cité

    Versão do poema do mesmo título de Augusto de Campos (1963) utilizando cartões perfurados de computador.

    Luciana Gattass - 03.07.2013 - 23:32

  8. Poemas no Meio do Caminho: Poesia Combinatória Animada por Computador

    Poemas combinatórios e generativos, programados de modo a permitir ao leitor alterar dinamicamente, em tempo de execução, os paradigmas que alimentam a sintaxe original; Som gerado aleatoriamente a partir de bases de dados previamente gravadas, com vozes e texturas sonoras; Além de alterar o poema, o leitor pode guardar as suas versões/leituras num weblog disponível na Internet. Duas versões disponíveis (versão horizontal e versão vertical) dão aos leitores a possibilidade de navegar entre distintas tipologias de página: em modo de panorama ou em modo de página html: A versão horizontal (panorama) inclui video, permite ao leitor alterar as palavras e enviar para weblog; A versão vertical (html) permite ao leitor alterar as palavras, alterar as listas e enviar para weblog.


    Alvaro Seica - 14.10.2013 - 13:09

  9. Oslo Poetry Film - Festival for Digital and Visual Poetry

    Oslo Poetry Film - Festival for Digital and Visual Poetry

    Patricia Tomaszek - 19.11.2013 - 13:40

  10. Sintext (Générateur Automatique)

    Version of 'Sintext' published in ALIRE 8.

    Alvaro Seica - 06.12.2013 - 11:26
