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  1. Poesie Elettroniche

    Cosa succede quando la poesia incontra il codice di programmazione per computer? È quello che succede nell'ebook di Fabrizio Venerandi "Poesie elettroniche". Sei diversi modi di interpretare l'electronic poetry in un originale ebook dove i versi cambiano nel tempo, reagiscono al tocco del lettore, si modificano sotto i suoi occhi, generano a loro volta altri versi, si muovono nella pagina avvicinandosi e separandosi. Per questo ebook in versi Fabrizio Venerandi ha deciso di utilizzare l'ultimo formato per la creazione di ebook arricchiti, l'ePub3. Ha scritto i versi e contemporaneamente ha programmato il codice per animarli e renderli instabili. "Tutte le quattro sezioni del testo - spiega l'autore nella sua introduzione - contengono cose che non avrei voluto rileggere. Che non avrei voluto fermare in una forma. Queste sono poesie che non vogliono essere finite, ma che credono che la cosa di cui parlano sia ancora una cosa in mutazione". Per questo il lettore si troverà di fronte a versi cancellati, mutanti, in movimento.

    Irene Fabbri - 30.11.2021 - 14:21

  2. CAPTCHA Poem@

    This CAPTCHA Poem@ belongs to a larger “oleatory” poem/project titled “Mar y virus / Virus and the Sea,” in which humans, poetry and technology intersect to address the COVID pandemic. The original CAPTCHA acronym is therefore transferred into a new ontology of inclusion and exchange, redefined as “Completely Automated Public test to Tie Computers and Humans as Allies.”  Under a constant expectation of “not touching,” this new paradigm also allows for both distance and connection, a paradox not exempt from anxiety within an environment under siege.

    [Source: The New River]

    Amanda Hodes - 08.06.2022 - 16:44

  3. It will happen here, in Barcelona (Tindrà lloc aquí, a Barcelona)

    Tindrà lloc aquí a Barcelona (It will happen here in Barcelona) is an immersive experience that reframes questions of sea-level rise, migration and extinction, in which familiar places — and the memories and dreams that attend them — are transformed by rising waters; the work gives rise to acts of recognition, utterance and transformation. Viewers travel along the marshlands and industrial wastelands of our local watershed and others worldwide that are shaped by industrialization. The sounds, images and text flow like waters, following a computer-code based system that gathers materials together in ever-changing experiences. Like ocean tides, the code-driven work is always changing. Roderick Coover’s images, gathered over the past decade from journeys on and around shorelines, combine with field recordings, voices and electronic music composed by Adam Vidiksis. Nick Montfort draws from Coover’s logs to create a continually evolving, poetic text.

    Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 14:02

  4. Nh-9

    Poetry in virtual reality
    Interactive immersive environment
    By weaving imaginaries in the mode of biomimicry, Nh-9 is an immersive poetry experience that attempts to develop notions of interrelationships as guiding links to build scenes of symbiotic relationships between humans and non-humans. humans The aim of this project is to allow to be immersed in a state of sensory modifications (and/or mutations) in order to construct interconnected landscapes by imagining a living world – made up of beings and the relationships between these beings.

    Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 15:44
