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  1. Ricardo Aleixo

    Poeta e músico, nasceu em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais em 14 de dezembro de 1960. Participou de muitas antologias no Brasil e no Exterior, entre elas as de Heloísa Buarque de Hollanda (Esses Poetas - Uma antologia da poesia brasileira nos anos 90) e Correspondencia celeste – Nueva Poesia Brasileña) do Adolfo Montejo Navas.

    (Fonte: Antonio Miranda)

    Luciana Gattass - 20.11.2012 - 15:43

  2. Walter Silveira

    Walter da Silva Silveira (São Paulo SP 1955). Videoartista, artista gráfico, poeta visual, radialista. Graduado em rádio e televisão pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP), dirige durante muitos anos a programação da TV Gazeta, São Paulo. Atualmente, é diretor de programação da TV Cultura, São Paulo. Nos anos 1980, integra o grupo independente TVDO. Lança, em 1996, o álbum Mein Kalli Graphics, de poemas manuscritos em serigrafia. Atua com Augusto de Campos e Cid Campos no evento multimídia Poesia É Risco, apresentado em várias cidades do Brasil e do exterior.

    (Fonte: Itau Cultural)

    Luciana Gattass - 21.11.2012 - 15:03

  3. Norbert Bachleitner

    - 2010 Verleihung des Titels Universitätsprofessor - 2010 Ruf auf eine Professur für Translationswissenschaft an der Universität Graz - 2011 Universitätsprofessur für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft - 2012 Wahl zum Mitglied der Academia Europaea - Seit 2012 Vorstand des Instituts für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (Source:

    Johannes Auer - 22.11.2012 - 16:18

  4. Lisa Holloway-Attaway

    Lisa Holloway-Attaway

    Scott Rettberg - 07.01.2013 - 23:03

  5. Edward A. Shanken

    Edward A. Shanken writes and teaches about the entwinement of art, science, and technology with a focus on interdisciplinary practices involving new media. He is Dorothy Kayser Hohenberg Chair of Excellence in Art History at University of Memphis, a member of the Media Art History faculty at the Donau University in Krems, Austria, and core visiting tutor at Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam. Prior academic posts include Universitair Docent of New Media at University of Amsterdam, Docent in Comparative Arts and Media at VU University, Amsterdam, Executive Director of the Information Science + Information Studies program at Duke University, and Professor of Art History and Media Theory at Savannah College of Art and Design. Fellowships include National Endowment for the Arts, American Council of Learned Societies, UCLA, University of Bremen, and Washington University in St. Louis.  Dr. Shanken earned a Ph.D. and MA in Art History at Duke University, an MBA at Yale University, and a BA at Haverford College.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 07.03.2013 - 15:05

  6. Jacques Donguy

    poet, performer, essay writer, translator. Started his creative literary and artistic endeavour in the early 1970s. He took part in the movement French Beat Poetry and was among the ideologists of the poetic movement Nouveau Réalisme. He has published a great number of poetry works, making use of new technologies, and since the early 1980s he has been one of the theorists of the computer poetry genre. He is the author of a number of books dedicated to various trends in the contemporary literature.

    [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 08.04.2013 - 13:52

  7. Christopher


    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.04.2013 - 16:27

  8. Brian Massumi

    "Brian Massumi, Ph. D., is a political theorist, writer and philosopher, and is currently a professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Montréal in Quebec Canada, where he directs both the Ph. D program and the Workshop in Radical Empiricism (Atelier en empirisme radical). He is well-known for his translations of several major texts in French post-structuralist theory, including Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's A Thousand PlateausJean-François Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition, and Jacques Attali's Noise. Brian Massumi received both his Masters and Doctoral degrees in French Literature from Yale University and completed postdoctoral work at Stanford University.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 28.05.2013 - 11:30

  9. Andy Clark

    Andy Clark is a professor of Logic and Metaphysics at the University of Edinburgh. His research interest are centered on philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, including robotics, artificial life, embodied cognition, and mind, technology and culture.

    Andy Clark (BA, DPhil, Stirling) was appointed to the Chair in Logic and Metaphysics in 2004. Prior to that he had taught at the Universities of Glasgow, Sussex, Washington (St Louis), where he was Director of the Philosophy/Neuroscience/Psychology Program, and Indiana.

    (Source: University of Edinburgh)

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 28.05.2013 - 12:02

  10. E-critures

    The online device called e-critures consists of a mailing list (discussion list) and of a website. The discussion list, created in November 1999, came first (it has at present around 160 members and more than 5000 messages have been posted since its creation). Here is the presentation text for this list:

    "Liste de diffusion dédiée à la littérature informatique. Elle regroupe des auteurs., des universitaires et de simples lecteurs." ('Discussion list dedicated to digital literature. It groups together authors, scholars and simple readers').

    Nobody can join without being accepted by the moderator (whose role afterwards is however restricted since messages are freely posted). The diffusion of messages is always one-sided: from one to all the members of the list. The feeling of being a member of the list is directly related to the feeling of belonging to a group of trailblazers who choose to fight or not to fight for its own visibility.

    (Source: Serge Bouchardon, "Digital Literature in France")

    Scott Rettberg - 27.06.2013 - 11:20
