Rick Ness

Short biography: 
Research Interests
British Romanticism and literature of the long 18th century, the environmental humanities, the history and philosophy of science, transatlantic studies, critical theory, rhetoric, digital rhetoric
Composition and Rhetoric


  • BA, DePauw University
  • MA, University of Chicago
  • MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Vibrant Meter: The Rhetorical Ecology of Romanticism


  • “Song of Experience: John Clare’s Empirical Taste.” The John Clare Society Journal, Vol. 38, Summer 2019.
  • “Rime of the Regan Library: Remixing Digital Literature as a Critical Method.” Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 16. December 2016. (co-authored with Maggie Bertucci-Hamper & Lauren Gottlieb-Miller)

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Rick Ness
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