Reham Hosny

Name (original language): 
ريهام حسنى
United Kingdom
Record Status: 
Reham Hosny
Short biography: 

Reham Hosny is a British Academy Visiting Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on creating links between the well-established Western electronic literature communities and the growing digital culture innovators of other underrepresented communities. She investigates the cultural, social, and political contexts of Arabic and Anglo-American electronic literature and the potentialities of AI in writing activist literature. Additionally, she is a creative writer, and her co-authored novel, Al-Barrah (2019, 2021), won the 2022 Robert Coover Award’s Honorable Mention, and her short story collection Amma Ba’d (and thereafter) (2012) won the Ihsan Abdel Quddous Literary Prize for short story writing. Reham is the first Arab and African to be elected as a member of the board of directors of the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) and work as a convenor of the ELO 2023 Awards. She is directing arabicelit, the first initiative focusing on globalizing Arabic electronic literature in English.

Works by this author:

Work title Publication Type Year
Al-Barrah البرَّاح Application 2019

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Reham Hosny
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Reham Hosny