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DHCommons, an initiative of centerNet, is an online hub focused on matching digital humanities projects seeking assistance with scholars interested in project collaboration. This hub responds to a pressing and demonstrable need for a project-collaborator matching service that will allow scholars interested in DH to enter the field by joining an existing project as well as make existing projects more sustainable by drawing in new, well-matched participants. Additionally, DHCommons helps break down the siloization of an emerging field by connecting collaborators across institutions, a particularly acute need for solo practitioners and those without access to a digital humanities center.

As a centerNet initiative, DHCommons will help lower the cost of entry into digital scholarship and bridge gaps between large humanities centers and solo practitioners around the world. Together, DHCommons and centerNet will continue to develop the web-based collaboration hub at dhcommons.org, sponsor face-to-face events at a range of humanities conferences, seek grant funding for a program of micro-grants that would help connect solo digital humanists with resources and expertise in the larger digital humanities community, and jointly plan the future DHCommons platform. Through this partnership, DHCommons and centerNet will dramatically simplify collaboration among a range of scholars, institutions, and centers.

(Source: DHCommons website)

Events arranged by this organization:

Event Citysort descending Date Event type Link to edit content
Getting Started in the Digital Humanities with DHCommons Seattle 05.01.2012 Workshop
Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen
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