Ciberia: Biblioteca de Literatura Digital en Español

Abstract (in English): 

Ciberia: Biblioteca de Literatura digital en Español, a collection of electronic literature works in Spanish created by the LEETHI group (European Literatures from Text to Hypermedia), using OdA 2.0., a learning objects’ repository built by ILSA research team at the Computing Sciences Faculty of the University Complutense of Madrid. Ciberia library emerges from the need to make digital literature in Spanish more visible, report its development, and leave a trail that would compensate for its ephemeral quality. This collection is part of the research carried out by two research groups in Spain: ILSA, which has developed the software, and LEETHI. This library now works as the nucleus of derivate projects that includes a publisher focused on electronic literature creation and on electronic and ciberculture theories and is part of Cell Consortium project.

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Laura Sánchez Gómez