Electronic Literature Knowledge Base

Contribute to the Knowledge Base

The ELMCIP Knowledge Base is a research resource for electronic literature and it is open for new contributions and submissions. It provides cross-referenced, contextualized information about authors, creative works, critical writing, platforms, and practices. Current contributors should log in to the knowledge base to enter new records.

The ELMCIP Knowledge Base depends on the active participation of a community of international researchers and writers working on electronic literature. To join us in building the Knowledge Base, sign up for an account we can set you up with a contributor account to add and edit records. The Knowledge Base is developed in Drupal 7 by the University of Bergen Electronic Literature Research Group as an outcome of the ELMCIP project.


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See the latest videos and multimedia content in Knowledge Base.

Critical Writing

5049 records
Title Author Publication Type Appears in Updatedsort ascending Year
Code Before Content? Brogrammer Culture in Games and Electronic Literature Anastasia Salter Conference paper or presentation 20.09.2024 2017
Literature in a State of Emergency Davin Heckman Article in an online journal 20.09.2024 2014
Chatterbots Ragnhild Tronstad Article or chapter in a book The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media 20.09.2024 2014
Code Mark C. Marino Article or chapter in a book The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media 20.09.2024 2014
Biopoetry Eduardo Kac Article or chapter in a book The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media 20.09.2024 2014


4819 records
Last name Middle name First name Updated
Andreani Isabelle 18.11.2024
Harsdörffer Philipp Georg 20.10.2024
Meretzky Steve 14.06.2024
Peterson Trace 27.05.2024
Sanford Christy Sheffield 21.05.2024


322 records
Title Publisher or organization Developers Year initiated Updatedsort ascending
Oculus Quest 2019 10.05.2021
Botsquad 2017 10.05.2021
Wattpad WP Technology 2006 02.05.2021
Roxio 2021 31.03.2021
IrfanView Irfan Skiljan 1996 31.03.2021

Teaching Resources

99 records
Title Author Type of Resource Updatedsort ascending
Artist-Screencast with Stephanie Strickland on "Errand Upon Which We Came" Stephanie Strickland, Patricia Tomaszek Video tutorial or lesson 20.02.2014
New Media Art (Wiki version) Mark Tribe, Reena Jana Other Teaching Resource 20.02.2014
E-Lit Forums: Culture and Technology (Engl 214) Brian Ganter Exercise 06.02.2014
The Victorian Web de George Landow traducida al español George P. Landow, Asunción López-Varela Azcárate, Maya Zalbidea Paniagua, Xiana Sotelo Lesson plan, Bibliography, Other Teaching Resource 25.01.2014
Курс лекций по комбинаторной литературе Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya Syllabus 04.09.2013

Publishers and Journals

967 records
Name Updatedsort ascending
Skydance Interactive 05.03.2024
Amata KK 05.03.2024
Bit Golem 05.03.2024
VALVE 05.03.2024
Goethe-Institut 02.01.2024


676 records
Name Event Date City Country Updatedsort ascending
Electronic Literature Reading at the Richard Hugo House 06.01.2012 Seattle United States 05.03.2024
Cyposium: Cyber Performance Symposium 12.10.2012 05.03.2024
Brown E-Fest 2006: A Celebration of New Literary Hypermedia 21.03.2006 Providence United States 05.03.2024
Autostart: A Festival of Digital Literature 26.10.2006 Philadelphia United States 05.03.2024
An Evening with Electronic Literature Organization 13.12.2011 New York City United States 05.03.2024

Databases and Archives

78 records
Name Organization Responsible Project Type Updatedsort ascending
ELINOR: Electronic Literature in the Nor... University of Bergen, Department of Humanistic Informatics Database 05.02.2015
ADA - Archive of Digital Art (former Dat... Danube University Krems Database 29.09.2014
Literatura Electrónica Hispánica Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Archive 18.08.2014
Digital Textualities. A Showcase of 12 D... Archive 14.08.2014
Netescopio. Visión del arte en red del M... Archive 04.08.2014