Record Status

Record Status

You are able to reduce the amount of articles by filtering by these keywords: Not yet reviewed, Incomplete record (stub), Revisions required, Approved record

Title Type Record Status Edit
A Box, Darkly: Obfuscation, Weird Languages, and Code Aesthetics Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Alexanderson, Diddle Publisher Not yet reviewed
Perihelion Publisher Incomplete record (stub)
Abderrahim Bargaoui Person Incomplete record (stub)
Yoko Engorged Creative Work Approved record
Xylo Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
VIRU2 Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Ugly Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Peter Howard Person Incomplete record (stub)
Toy Garbage Creative Work Approved record
Reasoned Metagoria Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
RE_WORKINPR Creative Work Revisions required
Promiscuous Design Creative Work Revisions required
A Machicolated Body Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
Gorge Creative Work Revisions required
The Eden Database Creative Work Revisions required
Delivery Machine 01 Creative Work Approved record
db.11x8.5 Creative Work Revisions required
Meditationer omkring et o ('Meditations around an o') Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
On the Web Creative Work Approved record
Xtine Burrough Person Approved record
codework parenthetical insertions Creative Work Incomplete record (stub)
charNG Creative Work Revisions required
Berlioz Creative Work Approved record
Ted Warnell Critical Writing Revisions required
Further notes on codework Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Who Grabbed My Gorge Critical Writing Approved record
Mez Interview Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Gary Sullivan Person Not yet reviewed
Readme Publisher Incomplete record (stub)
