The Network as a Space and Medium for Collaborative Interdisciplinary Practice

Short description: 

This conference will focus on the increasing use of the network as a space and medium for collaborative interdisciplinary art practices including electronic literature and other network based art forms. Researchers will present papers exploring new network-based creative practices that involve the cooperation of small to large-scale groups of writers, artists, performers, and programmers to create online projects that defy simple generic definitions and disciplinary boundaries. Topics might include online collective narratives, durational performances, evolving networked publication models, creative commons and open source art, remixes, and mashups. The seminar will be organized by the LLE Digital Culture group and will invite contributions from about 20 international researchers and artists. In addition to the scholarly seminar Nov. 9th and 10th at the University of Bergen, two evening programs will take place Nov. 8th and 9th at Landmark Café at Bergen Kunsthall, to showcase innovative work and will be open to the public.

(Source: Conference website.)

Critical writing presented:

Title Author Tags
What's on your mind? Status Updates, Friend Suggestions And Data Mining Renée Turner subjectivity, social networks, datamining
The Programming Era: Building Literary Networks Through Peer-to-Peer Review Eric Dean Rasmussen community, publishing, electronic literature, literary studies, network forms, literary criticism, peer review, p2p review, literary institutions
Personal Narratives, Corporate Templates Jill Walker Rettberg narrative, locative, social networks, semantic
Cannibalistic Tendencies in Digital Poetry: Recent Observations & Personal Practices Chris Funkhouser creative cannibalism, remix, flarf
Between Place and Interface: Designing Situated Sound for the iPhone Anders Fagerjord


Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen
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