Modern Language Association Convention 2013

Event type: 
03.01.2013 to 06.01.2013
United States
Record Status: 
Short description: 

128th MLA Annual Convention. The presidential theme will be Avenues of Access, with accessibility referring to: student access to higher-education, tenure-track jobs for PhDs, the implications of disability studies for the humanities, and open access and the future of scholarly communication.

Critical writing presented:

Title Author Tags
Thoughts on a Literary Lab Matthew Jockers lab, digital humanities, data visualization, distant reading
Distant Mirrors and the LAMP Matthew G. Kirschenbaum digital humanities, discourse networks, communication channels, scholarly publishing
Building the Infrastructural Layer: Reading Data Visualization in the Digital Humanities Dana Solomon data visualization, network analysis, digital humanities, cultural analytics
An Account of Randomness in Literary Computing Mark Sample randomness, computing history, generation, cold war

Works presented:

Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen
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