State of the Arts

Critical Writing
Publication Type: 
Record Status: 
Abstract (in English): 

State of the Arts: The Proceedings of the Electronic Literature Organization's 2002 State of the Arts Symposium & 2001 Electronic Literature Awards. Published as a book with CD-ROM. The CD includes the winning works as well as most of the shortlisted works, video files and photos of the 2001 awards ceremony, and audio of keynotes from the 2002 State of the Arts symposium.

State of the Arts book
State of the Arts CD-ROM

Contents (Creative Works):

Work title Author
_the data][h!][bleeding texts_ Mez Breeze
windsound John Cayley
These Waves of Girls: A Hypermedia Novella Caitlin Fisher
Lexia to Perplexia Talan Memmott

Events referenced:

Titlesort ascending Date Location
Electronic Literature Organization 2002: State of the Arts Symposium 04.04.2002
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Los Angeles , CA
United States
California US
2001 Electronic Literature Awards 18.05.2001
Swayduck Auditorium at the The New School University New York City , NY
United States
New York US
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Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen