Electronic Literature Collection, Volume One


Contents (Creative Works):

Work title Author
ii — in the white darkness: about [the fragility of] memory Reiner Strasser, M. D. Coverley
Inanimate Alice, Episode 1: China Kate Pullinger, Chris Joseph
Internet Text, 1994- [Through Feb 2, 2006] Alan Sondheim
Jean-Pierre Balpe ou les Lettres Dérangées Patrick-Henri Burgaud
Landscapes Bill Marsh
Lexia to Perplexia Talan Memmott
Like Stars in a Clear Night Sky Sharif Ezzat
my body — a Wunderkammer Shelley Jackson
myBALL Shawn Rider
Nio Jim Andrews
On Lionel Kearns Jim Andrews
open.ended Daniel C. Howe, Aya Natalia Karpinska
Oulipoems Millie Niss, Martha Deed
Project for Tachistoscope [Bottomless Pit] William Poundstone
Reagan Library Stuart Moulthrop
RedRidinghood Donna Leishman
Regime Change Noah Wardrip-Fruin, David G. Durand, Brion Moss, Elaine Froehlich
Rice Geniwate
Savoir-Faire Emily Short
Self Portrait(s) [as Other(s)] Talan Memmott
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Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen