Digital Humanties in Praxis: Introducing the Brazilian Electronic Reseach Collection

Abstract (in English): 

The Digital Humanities are in. The trendy scholarly practice for the tech-savvy literati, the DH has generated manifestos, grievances, enthusiasm, grammatical controversy (plural or singular concord?), and conferences. Said to possess both a “dark side” and a utopian core, it is humanities plus media. Humanities in media – but have the humanities ever existed outside a medium of inscription?

Luciana Gattass presenting Brazilian electronic research collection at ELO Chercher le texte 2013
Luciana Gattass presenting Brazilian electronic research collection at ELO Chercher le texte 2013
Luciana Gattass presenting Brazilian electronic research collection at ELO Chercher le texte 2013

Research Collection that references this Critical Writing:


Chercher le texte | Luciana GATTASS

Chercher le texte | questions after Scott RETTBERG, Luciana GATTASS, Jill WALKER RETTBERG

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Record posted by: 
Stig Andreassen