Article in a print journal

Displaying 21 - 40 of 350
Titlesort descending Author
A Vanguard Projected in Motion: Early Kinetic Poetry in Portuguese Chris Funkhouser
A World Exhilarating and Wrong: Theatrical Improvisation on the Internet Antoinette LaFarge
Adventures in Live Writing (Artist’s pages) Mark Greenwood, Nathan Jones
Aesthetics of Surface, Ephemeral and Re-Enchantment in Digital Literature: How Authors and Readers Deal with the Lability of the Electronic Device Alexandra Saemmer
After the Book? Carolyn Guyer
Against Movements Dick Higgins
Algorithmic Translations Rita Raley
alire 10: Um Testemunho de 10 anos de Simbiose entre Literatura e Informática Pedro Reis
Alire; Um Histórico Philippe Bootz
Alla ricerca di tracce: Letteratura nella rete, letteratura creata per la rete e la loro storia Peter Gendolla, Jörgen Schäfer
Alternativas a la (ciencia) ficción en España: dos ejemplos de literatura electrónica en formato impreso Alex Saum-Pascual
Amor de Clarice [Resenha] Pedro Reis
An Emerging Canon? A Preliminary Analysis of All References to Creative Works in Critical Writing Documented in the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base Scott Rettberg
Analyzing Electronic Poetry. Three Examples of Textualities in Digital Media Giovanna Di Rosario
Another Kind of Global English Rita Raley
Apología de la brevedad: Intermínims de navegació poètica o la tentación del silencio Laura Borràs Castanyer
Archivierung von digitaler Literatur: Probleme,Tendenzen, Perspektiven / Archiving Electronic Literature and Poetry: Problems, Tendencies, Perspectives
Archivierung von performativer Netzliteratur. Eine ernste Polemik Johannes Auer
Artists' Books in the Digital Age Margot Lovejoy
As We May Think Vannevar Bush
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