The Joy of E-Lit (Interview with Kathi Inman Berens)

Abstract (in English): 

Kathi Inman Berens is a literary scholar with an enthusiasm for e-lit. Among many other activities, she co-curated with Dene Grigar MLA 2012 and then MLA 2013; and is now (as of early 2013) co-curating with her a new show, the first exhibit of e-literature at the Library of Congress.

Her candidness about the difficulties traditionally trained literary scholars encounter when they read e-lit helps to humourize a situation that often staleley devolves into ideologies. Berens agile deft comedic scrutiny combined with a tactile sensual playfulness, makes her a formidable viewer and critic and in the future (perhaps) locative poet.

Interview 2012-06-23 at ELO Morgantown.

(Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo)



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Scott Rettberg